Variety was obtained by method of experimental mutagenesis of seed selection grown from seeds after gamma-irradiation. Tree is not high, compact. Top is round, thick.
Fruits are of medium size, mass is 4,5-5,8 gr. Maximum – 6,5 gr. Fruits are long oval. Skin is brown-red, thin. Flesh is juicy and sweet. Content of flesh in fruits is 97,1%. Fruits are rich in biologically active substances (dry substances – 40,0%, sugars – 24,0 mg/100gr, ascorbic acid – 455 mg/100 gr, P-active combinations - leucoanthocyanin – 384 mg/100gr.
Fruits are of universal use. They can be used fresh. Also it is possible to made dry and canned fruits and jams.
Variety ripens very early (I-II decade of September). It begins to produce fruits very early too (on the 2-3 year). Productivity is high(165 c/ha) and regular.
Values of variety: very early period of ripening, high productivity (40kg/tree), harmonic flavor of fruits, rich in biologically active substances.